Monday 1 February 2016

Ender's game

 Hello my dear friends!

I`m so frustrated about my first blog-post, so please if you read this, have the patience. I may make mistakes, and I don`t mind if you correct me. So please, do it as frequently as you can. Thank you! 

So today, I want to write about this amazing book, that I have just finished: <Ender`s game by Orson Scott Card> 

It`s really hard to find the words I need, but I really feel like that the book deserves it - to be spoken about how amazing it is. 

I`m not here today to talk about the common things that you can find on Wikipedia(here) or about the movie - you can watch the trailer here. Today I`m talking about the feelings that I got from this brilliant story. 

Ender is now one of my favorite characters: he`s just a child, but sometimes he forgets about it, and so do I. That bothers me so much. Why? Because the whole point is that the adults are using children to save the Earth. Is this fair? No, and I can tell you, why not. 

Because they try to transform the kids into killer-robots. That`s horrible. They use games to manipulate them, and don`t even care about how they ruin the children`s souls. 

At the beginning Ender (Andrew) is shown as a really smart but lonely child. He has no friends, no relationships, the only person that cares about him is his sister, Valentine. I think that the price of his wisdom is the isolation he gets, Ender is the opposition of the term: child. He is small and fragile, but he has sensitivity to find the way to save the situation - his secret is that he can think with the head of his enemy. Another sad thing: he has enemies, people who are jelous about his successes. 

At the end he is kinda destroyed, nearly mad. He killed millions or more buggers and that`s horrible. I was shocked. I was sitting at the side of my bed, and thinking about the things that he can do. I couldn`t find answers. He was lost. He was a killer and an innocent. At the same time. They played hanky-panky with Ender. He believed that after ruining his finale test he will be sent home, to the Earth, to his sister. He passed the test by killing the buggers, and he was still trapped. 
Can you imagine the feeling when you want to escape so badly that you try to ruin everything that you just bulit up...and after all... you realise that they lied all the time. They used you. 

He was an 11-years old grown-up, with no future, no hope. 

I was disapointed. I was crying, and all I wanted to do was helping him, but I couldn`t. Why? 
Because he is a character, in a book. And I`m here, in my bed. So far away from him. 
That`s not fair.  
I understood the point of the book, I understood why the adults did those things with him, but I don`t know how to forgive them. 
I know that without this torture he couldn`t be the hero, he became. 
Without that torture I wouldn`t have felt his pain. 
Without his pain I wouldn`t love him as much as I do now.
I know, but still... 

Anyway, go and read the book and also watch the movie (is one of the best adaptations that I`ve seen). 

Miért nem hiszek a véletlenekben, avagy egy emlékeztető hiánya is okozhat kellemes meglepetéseket? 2018. december 18 #storytime ...